Classical Studies 1000 : Lecture summary

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Chronology: focus on period fm ca 1500 bc-ca ad 476 (further back, more generalized; closer, bc=before christ, ad = anno domini (latin for "in the year of our lord"); bce = Greeks inhabited not only mainland greece but the aegean islands, the coast of. Asia minor, parts of north africa and southern italy morphology and vocabulary: a number of dialects flourished, each with considerable variation in phonology, although to the modern student ancient greek is often synonymous with attic. Greek, in fact a standard version of greek did not emerge until the later part of the hellenistic period, which we refer to as koine greek (common greek) Not as many books in the ancient world copies would be different - spelling mistakes, leave things out, change rare words to common ones etc cont"d - lecture 3, wednesday september 15. The transition from orality to literacy: the introduction of writing (the greek alphabet)