Civil and Environmental Engineering 2217A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Logistic Function, Exponential Growth, Anthropocene

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Def: a quantity grows exponentially if the growth rate is proportional the amount currently present. Def: the time period that we live in where socio-economic trends and earth system loss are happening at rates of exponential growth. Def: the geological era where humans are the dominant force altering the earth. Def: the time required to double an amount under exponential growth. Def: a mathematical model to represent exponential growth if the data can be expressed as a product of factors. P = (p1 p2 pn) e (r1 + r2 + + rn) t. Def: a specific growth as a product of factors that is useful for predicting environmental impact due to human interaction. Def: it"s impossible that exponential growth will last forever in any real world context due to limitations on resources. Logistic growth is what happens to an exponential curve of real world phenomenon. dn/dt = rn (1 - n/k) N = k / 1 + e -r (t-t*)