Chemistry 2374A Study Guide - Final Guide: Ideal Gas Law, Adiabatic Process, Isothermal Process

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Slide 1: open (energy + matter), closed (energy), isolated systems (none) Intensive properties = independent of size of the system. Intensive examples: pressure, temperature, density: extensive properties = depend on size of the system, extensive examples: volume, mass, internal energy, entropy, moles, ratio of 2 extensive variables = usually intensive (i. e. mass/volume = density = intensive) Slide 11: molar quantities are often intrinsic due to extensive/extensive rule (i. e. vm = v/n) Lide (cid:1005)(cid:1012): dalto(cid:374)(cid:859)s la(cid:449) = ptot = pa + pb + pc et(cid:272). Slide 19: pa/ptot = na/ntot directly correlates in pv = nrt if v and t are constant: total sum of all mole fractions = 1. Slide 31: ideal gas law assumes: gas particles have zero volume, gas particles do not interact with each other. Slide 33: at the critical point (on pv diagram), pc and tc are found: slope = 0 at critical point of curve + there is an inflection point.