Biology 3475A/B Final: Chemical Ecology - Final Notes (Chap. 5-8)

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Aposematic coloration: colours/patterns that act as a warning to predators that a potential prey species is unpalatable, toxic or dangerous. Priming stage + defense stage; initially there are airborne signals and then vascular signs: as airborne and systemic levels increase, the defense levels increase and they work in synchrony to defend the plant. Insects or caterpillars move around often because of these upregulations. Auto-signalling: victim is sending out volatiles to tell the rest of itself to start fighting back. Interspecific signalling: signals from one plant affect the plants around it. There is genetic variability in plant defense mechanism locations (more alkaloids in most important areas such as where the genes are, the stem, more in external tissues) High light and high nutrients are optimal for growth. Apparency theory: the more you are apparent the more you should be defending, includes time: the longer your leaf life, the more you will have to invest.