Biology 2601A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Rete Mirabile, Encelia Farinosa, Volumetric Heat Capacity

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Study of how organisms work, form and function: obey physical and chemical laws (esp. scaling, constrained by evolutionary history, meet demands economically with appropriate safety factors. Entropy (disorder) always increases (need to take in energy to stay organized beings) Universe is isolated system but animals are open system. Besides what is lost as waste, where the energy goes in the body. Most of the carbon that plants make is excreted into the soil. Plants are more efficient than animals but they can"t use all the sunlight available to them. Speed or intensity of random motions of atoms in an object. Proportional to product of mean square speed of random motions, and molecular mass. Temperature determines direction of heat flow (hot -> cold) Heat determines the temperature (more energy increases random motion) Animal in the environment: sources of absorption and dissipation of heat. There is no temperature because temperature is the movement of molecules. Relies on external temp to determine body temp.