Biology 2244A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Type I And Type Ii Errors, Multiple Comparisons Problem, Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore

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" 2- sample t - procedures only number of means (one explanatory variable) any allow comparison of. L le to several treatments population populations responses ( textbook. 24) but tempting , info of ho provides many different p - values for all three. Example of study with three populations or several. 2 -sample t - test between all. , each safely a time tallest brings a i t -test , it is hard to tell if. 2 of 3 h "s are groups height a chance of by groups are just. Type 1 error doing multiple tests / cl "s extremes of the tests = more chance of error) parameters two (more two for same spectrum. Measure of confidence all in to do many conclusions comparisons at once with an overall. ") follow -up analysis : which differences any parameters differ and size of among parameters differences. Ha : sone difference (non - directional)