Biology 1201A Study Guide - Final Guide: Mate Choice, Parental Investment, Natural Selection

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Define, use, and recognize examples of relevant vocabulary. Ornaments are used in displays to attract mates. Describe advantages and disadvantages of asexual and sexual selection: asexual selection is advantageous if species is in stable, non-changing environment if already thriving. However, there is no evidence to prove this: don"t require other individual to copulate. Increased potential risk- pregnancy, stds, not being vigilante for predators/ searching for food during copulation: meitioic cost of sex= reliance on partner for some alleles. Advantages to sex: sexual reproduction increases the likelihood that some offspring will be appropriately equipped to survive. Recognize and explain the lottery model explanation for the evolution of sexual reproduction: sexual reproduction increases the likelihood that some offspring will be appropriately equipped to survive. If all offspring have the same phenotype and it is not advantageous in their specific environment then there would be a very low fitness: the lottery model is a product of sexual selection=different offspring have different phenotypes.