Biology 1002B Study Guide - Final Guide: Mutation Rate, Chlamydomonas, Rhodopsin

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Identify role of histones in dna packaging and expression. (also see 14. 2d) H2a-h4) combine to form one nucleosome around which dna winds for almost two turns (10 nm wide) Mosaic traits are cell specific whereas a heterozygous trait is expressed the same in all cells: relationship between heterozygous alleles can be completely dominant, codiminant, incomplete dominant role of xist rna in x inactivation. Dna to wind up more tightly (gene off) if you could keep nucleosomes acetylated over several cell generations then you could keep those genes expressed relationship between methylation/demethylation of cytosine on chromatin structure or protein binding. Identify the function of caspases. caspases (i. e. caspase-9 gene in humans) are proteases that degrade cell structures as part of apoptosis (cell death) Ced-9 is a protein associated with mito. membrane that inactivates ced-4. Ced-9 is active, inhibits ced-4 thus ced-3 is inactive.