Biology 1002B Study Guide - Final Guide: Endergonic Reaction, Exergonic Reaction, Horizontal Gene Transfer

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Light-sensing system is a photoreceptor: made up of a protein and a pigment. Pigment is retinal: absorption of light causes the protein to change shape which alters the opsin. Phototaxis is the movement towards or away from the light in response to the intensity of light. Visible light is used because shorter wavelengths are too strong and longer wavelengths are too weak. Shorter wavelengths absorbed by ozone and longer wavelengths absorbed by water vapour in the atmosphere. Resolution is the minimum distance 2 points can be separated and still appear as 1: all cells have a lipid bilayer plasma membrane, cytoskeleton is protein based. Prokaryotic cells are those in which there is no nucleus. Eukaryotes have their dna enclosed in a nucleus: genetic material of archaea and bacteria is enclosed in a nucleoid, dna is transcribed into mrna which is then translated into proteins by ribosomes.