Biology 1001A Study Guide - Final Guide: Copy-Number Variation, Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism, Sister Chromatids

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Document Summary

Principles underlying evolution by natural selection: origin of variation, Heritability, differential reproduction, change in genotype of the population. Evolution described as gradual change of populations or organisms overtime, measuring time in generations rather than years. Environments affect variation within a species, advantageous evolution will occur: heritability inheritance of acquired traits. Over time, entire genotypes of population can change, resulting in evolution of robust species and populations. Evidence from the fossil record, historical biogeography, comparative. Morphology and molecular biology that support the idea of descent with. Fossil record documents of morphological characteristics provide clear evidence of change in biological lineage. Evolutionary sequences of ancestral organisms and their descendants. Historical biogeography geographical distributions of plants and animals in relation to their evolutionary history is generally consistent with darwin"s theory of evolution. Species on oceanic islands often resemble mainland species. Comparative morphology analyzes structure of living and extinct organisms based on comparison of homologous traits.