Biology 1001A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Reactive Oxygen Species, Gametophyte, Sister Chromatids

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Most mistakes are b/c of base pair mismatches: proofread by dna polymerase as it removes mismatched nucleoides and makes new correct stand. Dna polymerase can only coninue synthesis if most recent base is correctly paired on template. Dna repair enzymes also ix alteraions due to chemicals and radiaion etc. Mobile elements re peies of dna that cut and paste themselves (or copy) from place to place in diferent cells: inserion sequence elements & transposons are mobile elements, transposable elements (tes) can move in two ways. Copy and paste to new locaion and original stays in tact: te movement called transposiion and happens when te comes in contact with target site, bacterial tes can be of two types. Oten have inverted dna sequence at each end which lets transposase idenify the ends. Can be short, where inverted sequence is the same as the gene, Can be long where inverted sequence on either end encloses several genes.