Biology 1001A Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Arrector Pili Muscle, Respiratory Center, Neostigmine

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9 Nov 2020

Document Summary

Parasympathetic constricts decreases heart rate constricts bronchioles dilates bronchioles increases digestion decreases digestion promotes urination inhibits urination stimulate secretion inhibits secretion. Cooperative effects - parasympathetic causes vasodilation of penis and clitoris; sympathetic causes ejaculation and peristalsis of vagina. Central nervous system regulation of the autonomic ns. Hypothalamus - overall integration of autonomics: hypothalamus - can coordinate the regulation of heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, water/electrolyte balance, hormonal activity, pleasure, rage, thirst, hunger, and sex drive. Iii. sympathetic - lateral & posterior hypothalamus parasympathetic - medial & anterior hypothalamus hypothalamus ----> reticular formation ----> preganglionic autonomics. Cerebral cortex and biofeedback - making patient aware of autonomically controlled functions (heart rate, blood pressure) can allow them to learn how to better control them. Abnormalities of autonomic control mechanisms hypertension - increased blood pressure due to overstimulation of sympathetics that results from stress; ne blockers to treat.