Biology 1001A Study Guide - Quiz Guide: 1918 Flu Pandemic, Hiv Vaccine, Seth Berkley

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12 Jul 2013

Document Summary

Massively fatal discontinuity- kill up to 100 million people in the next 50 years. Likelihood of one such event of all others: a severe flu pandemic. Developing world data much sketchier, and death toll higher. Virus occasionally mutates so drastically becomes a new virus and we get a pandemic. 1918: virus killed some fifty - 100 million people, some died within hours of symptoms. Dodged deadly pandemic this year, but threat could reappear. At moment in time where sci and tech converge to create history by prevent infectious disease that still account for 1/5 of all deaths. Power of them like whisper, when they work make history, but after a while don"t work. Small pox = killed half billion people, polio: iron lung. Take pathogen, modify it and inject in animal or person, and see result. Works well for most pathogens, a little for flu, not for hiv.