Biology 1001A Study Guide - Final Guide: Heat Shock Protein, Thymine, Biological Membrane

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Stromatolite fossilized remains of ancient cyanobacterial mats that carried out photosynthesis by the water splitting reaction. Extremophile organisms that thrive in and may even require physically or geographically extreme conditions that are detrimental to most life on earth. Panspermia hypothesis that life exists throughout the universe and proposes that life can survive the effects of space. Abiotic synthesis molecules that were synthesized from non-living/non-biological agents. Prebiotic evolution life oriented gradually from interaction between different chemicals in the earth"s atmosphere led to first amino acids, which formed complex molecules; proteins/dna. Chirality lacking an internal plane of symmetry and thus having a non-superimposable mirror image. Enantiomers isomers that are mirror images of one another. Teratogen a drug or other substance capable of interfering with the development of a fetus; causing birth defects. Racemic concerned with, or being a mixture of equal amounts of enantiomers and consequently having no optic activity. Polymerization process in which monomers link together to form a polymer.