Biology 2581B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Cofilin, Focal Adhesion, Polymerization

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Transduction: nucleator activation, key in cytokinesis, spindle orientation - directional nucleation + polymerisation > cell polarisation. Activating chemical bind receptor activate gef exchange gdp > gtp g protein activation . Rho also activates formins aid filopodia formation (linear nucleation) Cdc42 activate formins > filopodia (linear bundles. Gradient spatially specific activation g proteins. Arp2/3 once nuclesated filaments, bind side existing > branching. Mlc activated by phosphorylation, inactivated by mlc phosphatase: phosphatase inactivated by phosphorylation. Gtpases: activate nucleators (formin or asp) by wasp activation (wasps themselves autoinhibited: can also activate arp2/3. Inner edges (not membrane proximal) - - end: linked by abps, cofilin depolarisation / severing, deconstruct, further into the cell ageing more likely d form bound by cofilin. If signal continues offset by new polymerisation. Itself regulated by lim kinase phosphorylated by pak (may be activated by. Rho) if active, pak phosphorylation inhibits cofilin promote filament: sustained signalling promotes treadmilling extension, profilin feeds +end, + end capping may limit polymerisation- control.