Biology 2581B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Bifidobacterium Longum, Lac Operon, Catabolite Repression

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Reverse oocyte: proved no loss of dna. Importance of gene expression in cell decisions: multicellular organisms obvious . Bacteria facilitate efficient lifestyle / metabolic flexibility (further aided by horizontal. All cells same dna when same dna, usually v similar outcome twinning. Different expression different cells no loss of dna. Gurdon cloning" xenopus transplantation of somatic cell nucleus into enucleated. Lac negative regulation: when no lactose minimal transcription in absence. Gal negative negative regulation when glucose present, sequential preferential usage. Positive regulation crp when no glucose sequential preference. Positive regulation by gal4 when galactose present. Regulation of gene expression in e. coli energy conservation. Positive (crp) and negative (repressor) regulation integrate 2 signals. Note: ease of bacterial genetics rapid reproduction> isolate rare mutants e. g. in regulatory. Positive increase efficiency upregulate transcription (above basal) to occur when no from lactose hence sequential only when glucose exhausted positive crp: positive due to preference allow sequential usage.