Biology 2581B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Mild Cognitive Impairment, Temporal Lobe, Degenerative Disease

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The limbic system is in control primarily of emotion, behaviour, motivation, long-term, olfaction (smell). The limbic system, frontal cortex and temporal cortex equate to advanced cognitive abilities including: Intelligence: cognition, logic and reasoning, long-term memory, emotional memory, reward, pleasure, addiction. Age-related cognitive decline (arcd) is naturally occurring with age and is estimated to be experienced by 40% of those over the age of 60. Oxidative damage and genetics are thought to play a part but is not major in arcd. Ageing causes changes in hormone levels, enzyme activity and blood supply to neural tissue. Increased ventricular volume: a reduction in brain weight and volume, lost neuronal bodies, expanded sulci, decreased synaptic density, reduced pre-frontal cortex, reduce medial temporal lobe, reduced limbic system (hippocampus) Mild cognitive impairment is a disease and is the early signs of and eventually leads to dementia. Dementia is a degenerative disease which affects memory, attention span, intellectual capacity, personality and motor control.