Biology 2581B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Nuclear Export Signal, Protein Targeting, Exact Sequence

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Learning goals: how do proteins know where to go (sequence signals) Exact sequence does not particularlyu matter: more hydrophobic/hydrophilic. After sorting process is completed sorting signal is deleted. Gated: move proteins between compartments equivelant to each other. Transmembrane: between two diff. kind of compartments: what are the diff. directions proteins can go to. Diff. organelles: how does process work in each of the diff. organelles. Nucleus, mitochondria/chloroplast, er, lysosomes, membrane: nucleus. Calcium is decrease activates kinase phosphorylation export signal is activated: mitochondria. Proteins going to mitochondria (are not completely finished) have accessory proteins (chaperones) which keep them unfolded. Multipass protein: you need more than one signal sequence (start/stop) signal. Form disulphide bridges in proteins to stabilise. If you go to thylakoid membrane: need at least 2 signal sequences: chloroplast. Don"t use h+ gradient but gdpor gtp: peroxisomes. Diff. with perixomes compared to the rest: on signal sequence is on the c-terminal: er.