Biology 2581B Study Guide - Fluorophore, X Prize Foundation, Transcriptome

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Landmarks in the history of genetics & the genomic eras: One of the most recent landmarks in the history of genetics was providing an answer to the question of how information in a genome is expressed to produce a living organism through the results of the human genome project. These results forever divided the realm of genetic studies into pre-genomic era (before the hgp) and a post-genomic era (after the hgp). In the pre-genomic era, researchers engaged in forward genetics and focused on the relationship between phenotype and genotype (e. g. discovering the genetic basis for cystic fibrosis). In the post-genomic era, researchers engage in both forward and reverse genetics, focused on the relationship between genome and phenome. For example, in cancer, many genes are involved in the control of cellular proliferation (cancer is a multi-step process with multiple genes and pathways involved).