Biology 2581B Study Guide - Final Guide: Intron, Start Codon, Open Reading Frame

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Dna, the molecule of heredity and biological information. Uncertainty = log2(m), where m is the # of possible symbols. Maximum information content of any sequence = l[log2(m)], where l is the length of the sequence. For dna: 4 possible symbols a,g,c, or t. How dna was experimentally shown to carry information. Goal: figure out what in the cellular debris was actually conveying the message (information) First they showed that this whole system was independent of the mouse. Started purifying cellular debris into different components dna, protein and, lipids. Found it was the dna component that could transform cells to s form. Some scientists were skeptics, and said it wasn"t purified. Take phage, infect e. coli, grow them in media that has radioactive p, Same thing, but phages labeled with radioactive s. P is found in dna, not protein, sulfur is found in protein but not dna. Same routine- this time radioactivity is associated with ghosts and not bacteria.