Biology 2485B Study Guide - Final Guide: Parental Investment, Live Fast, Die Young (Film)

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Document Summary

Population size: # of individuals present at given time. Population density: # of individuals per unit of area: high density: easy to find mates, increase competition low density: hard to find mates, rich in resources. Population distribution: arrangement of organisms in an area: random distribution: located in no pattern, uniform distribution: evenly spaced, clumped distribution: (common) arrange base on resources. Age distribution: # individual of age in pop. Suriviorship curves: likehood of death vary with age: type i: human, high dr at older age, type ii: birds, equal dr (intermediate, type iii: frogs, high df at youth. Population change (4 factors: birth (natality, death (mortality, immigration, emigration. Exponential growth: increase by fixed percent each year. Limiting factors: factors that restrain growth: density-dependent factors: influence affect by pop density (eg predation, density-independent factors: influence not affect by pop density (eg floods, fire) Biotic potential: capacity to produce offspring under ideal conditions.