Biology 2485B Midterm: Environmental Biology 1st Midterm Summary Notes

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The most abundant species on earth greatest to smallest: bacteria, ants, arctic krill, chickens, marine fish, humans, cattle. Descending most to least amount biomass: bacteria, ants, marine fish, cattle, termites, humans, arctic krill, sheep, domestic chickens. Increased substantially recently due to human culture. There are three possible projections: low, level off, increase uncontrollably. North america and africa and australia are still low in population for land mass. Europe has hit its limit for food production, but the rest of the world hasn"t , china has shown steady increase in wheat yield in the past. Air pollution: 50% industry, 30% transportation, 10% agriculture, 10% commercial heating, commercial products. Social policies in iran have decreased the fertility rate but the population continues to increase. China released policies because the age pyramid was uneven. Fertility rate highest in africa: age pyramid far more uneven in madagascar. Species richness is number of different species has evenness abundance to discover.