Biology 2485B Midterm: Environmental Biology 2nd Midterm Summary Notes

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Environmental biology 2nd midterm summary notes 2016-03-08 3:03. Lecture 9 and 10 - forest and forest management. Lecture 13 and 14 - freshwater and marine systems. Lecture 15 and 16 global climate change. Forest covers about 31% (4 billion ha) of earth"s land surface. 26-31% depending on definition of the forests. Wooded land is often classified as forest. Most of south america is wooded, central and southern africa are forests, north america is wooded around the perimeter but not in the center, upper europe and asia are forests. Forests are closer to water and warmer climate (equator) Provide wood for fuel, construction, paper production. Conversion of inorganic carbon into organic carbon by living organisms. Carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight are transformed into sugars and oxygen by a plant in the chloroplasts. Light reactions: light energy is passing through membrane into the chloroplasts and it is used to create high energy molecules with chlorophyll (atp and nadph)