Biology 2483A Study Guide - Final Guide: Trophy Hunting, Bighorn Sheep, Allele Frequency

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Trophy hunting and inadvertent evolution: a case study. Bighorn sheep populations have been reduced by 90% through hunting, habitat loss, and introduction of cattle. Hunting is now restricted; permits for a large trophy ram cost over ,000. Trophy hunting removes the largest and strongest males the ones that would sire many healthy offspring. Decline in size (inadvertently caused directional selection more later on) Evolution can be viewed as genetic change over time or as a process of descent with modification (features are maintained and modified) As a population accumulates differences over time and a new species forms, it is different from its ancestors: new species has many of the same characteristics as its ancestors and resembles them. Example of evolution of fish seen through fossil record: general shape of skeleton is the same but the pelvic bone develops and changes showing descent with modification (natural selection is responsible for modification)