Biology 2483A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Herbaceous Plant, Succulent Plant

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Sclerophyllous shrubs seasonally dry/moist and warm/cool tough, leathery leaves. Deciduous trees moist, seasonally warm/cool or cool/cold on fertile soils or warm, seasonally wet/dry drop their leaves during cold or dry periods. Grasses, sedges moist, seasonally warm/cool, with fire grow from the base of their leaves. Cacti and shrubs; succulent stems or leaves dry, seasonally hot/cool succulent stems and leaves contain water storage tissues. Evergreen broad-leaved trees wet, warm year-round in tropical regions, carry out photosynthesis year- round. Needle-leaved evergreen trees moist, seasonally warm/cool or cool/cold on infertile soils retain their photosynthetic tissues year-round.