Biology 2483A Study Guide - Hyporheic Zone, Lightning, Zooplankton

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Many forms in response to selection pressures: aridity, temp. , sun, crowding, grazing: deciduous, cacti & shrubs (succulent, needle leaf evergreen, grasses, broad leaf evergreen, forbs (non woody, sclerophyllous shrubs. Biosphere: zone of life on earth (mostly surface, also ocean) Biomes: large scale biological communities shaped by physical environ (esp. climate) Plants: non motile, long time- reflect climatic conditions biomes characterized by dominant plant (deciduous vs. succulent leaves) Convergence: similar growth forms on diff continents (no genetic relation, but similar selection pressures) Temp & precipitation: affect water loss & availability in turn affects nutrient supply of soil. : tundra- temp, precip, desert- temp, precip, tropical rainforest- temp, precip. Tundra- north (near poles), tropical rainforests- near equator. 9 major terrestrial biomes (w/ climate diagrams: tropical rainforest. High biomass; high diversity (50% of worlds species) Light- plants must grow tall or adjust to low light. Disappearing due to logging & converted to croplands (1/2 gone)