Biochemistry 3381A Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Threonine, Conformational Change, Clathrin

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Each protein can have a different kinase or phosphates to catalyse the reaction. Phosphorylation cycles where phosphates are added and removed continuously is important for rapidly changing the protein from one state to another. Phosphorylation only on serine (s), threonine (t), tyrosine (y) amino acids of proteins. Adding phosphate onto protein means negative charges induce conformational change revealing new binding sites somewhere on the protein. Phosphate structure allows binding for some proteins and phosphate group can hide binding site for some proteins leading to their dissociation. Accessory proteins link the filaments to each other (perform controlled assembly) and to the cell organelles. Dynamic as organisation changes with energy especially during cell division or during engulfing (actin filaments orient towards growing + side). Small subunits of the cytoskeleton filaments diffuse into the cytosol giving filaments that can"t diffuse. Covalent bonds allow backbone structure like dna, rna, but non-covalent bonds allow easier assembly and non-assembly b/w subunits.