Biochemistry 2280A Final: Topic 21_ Oxidative Phosphorylation 2

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Electron transport overview from citric acid ,u4 de. Ht ht: ho gradient = potential energy. Cofactor : protein - bound non - protein chemical. Prosthetic group : tightly bound coenzyme ( more transient) ( more permanent) Synthesized from vitamin riboflavin (2 protons and 2e- ) to become reduced. " # of fe and s atoms centre can accept. Most numerous in mitochondria covalently linked to differs with protein. Cys residues one e (not h) ( i. e . Diffuse freely within hydrophobic area of inner mt . membrane. Cytochrome c is can others are carry one only integral containing heme prosthetic group ( coordinated. Fe at centre) e- at a time (alternates feat and fest) peripheral cytochrome on inner ht membrane. Contain bound residues up to 3 cu ions , each to his. C o m p l e x e s matrix via complexes. High e- affinity is used to move ht. Malate- aspartate shuttle : nadh (cytosol) nadh (matrix)