Astronomy 2021A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Heterotroph, Scientific Method, Geology Of The Moon

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Prior to the 20th century, for example, some scientists guessed that venus might harbor a tropical paradise this guess was based on little more than the fact that. Venus is covered by clouds and closer than earth to the sun. > we now understand enough about biology to explore the conditions that might make it possible for life to exist on other worlds, and we know enough about planets to consider which ones might be capable of harboring life. Three particular disciplines play an especially important role in framing the context of the scientific search for life: astronomy, planetary science (includes geology and atmospheric science), and biology. Human view of the cosmos changed dramatically about 400 years ago. We know that earth is one but tiny world orbiting a rather ordinary star in a vast cosmos, and this fact opens up countless possibilities for life on other worlds.