[Astronomy 2021A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (44 pages long)

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Three directions to look at this problem: astronomy: geographic survey of the universe and our surrounding areas. The universe is not geocentric (we are not the center of the universe) All follow same physical rules as our own: planetary science: after the survey, we can look at locations for life. In past 2 decades we have discovered ~1800 more extrasolar planets (around other stars) Maybe there is a chance for life in a different way than our own: biology: what does life need to grow, to thrive, to exist. If we are looking for life, we need to understand life. We need to do a more extensive search of our planet to fully understand the extremes to which life could live. Life on earth arose early and quickly. Earth life can survive under a wide range of conditions. Physics and chemistry is the same everywhere in the universe.