Anatomy and Cell Biology 3319 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Thoracic Vertebrae, Intercostal Space, Thoracodorsal Nerve

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General introduction: overall structure and function of the upper and lower limbs. Describe the bony structures of the upper limb (pectoral girdle, humerus, radius, ulna and hand) Describe the 6 muscles that anchor the pectoral girdle to the axial skeleton. Multiple functions of the upper limb; power movements vs. fine movements. Flexion/extension: flexion involves decreasing the angle of the joint; extension increases the angle. Pronation/supination: supine position is anatomical position (palms facing forward, pronating the limb puts it in the prone position (facing downwards) In anatomical position, pronating the thumb brings it towards the midline. Adduction/abduction: abduction = taking it away from midline; think of abduction/kidnapping (taking it away, adduction = bringing it back to midline; add the kid back to the family. Lateral rotation/medial rotation: medial rotation goes back to the midline, lateral rotation goes away from the midline. Protraction/retraction: protraction sliding things forward, retraction pulls things back. Talking about movement is generally in reference to a joint.