Actuarial Science 2053 Study Guide - Incest

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A description of new england : presents hard sale: twisting arm like used car salesman, projecting aspiration upon the new world to england, offers material and spiritual rewards, more columnists more money freedom from authority and conflict, one could go to america and become a completely new person, articulates original theme of recreation. Puritan culture: products of enlightenment that carry damaging traits from europe: winthrop saw america as blank slate, people broke off from puritanism, mostly clich s and stereotypes, always on the lookout for evil, such high expectation they can"t behold, sour, prejudice, intolerant with hunters. American lit found in enlightenment workers such aas jefferson and franklin: non stop questioning, always looking to nature for signs of god, shared superstitions of old world, penal code against sabbath breaking, everything you did should be towards the good of god, slaved at first but eventually lived well due to work ethic.