[Psychology 46-116] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 119 pages long Study Guide!

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Language is a system of communication that combines symbols, such as works or gestural signs, in rule-based ways to create meaning. One hallmark of language is that it tends to be arbitrary: its sounds, words, and sentences bear no clear relation to their meaning. We take language for granted because it"s a highly practiced and automatic cognitive process. By automatic, we mean that using and interpreting language usually require little attention, enabling us to perform other tasks. Our ability to use language requires the coordination of an enormous number of cognitive, social, and physical skills. Even the mere ability to produce the sounds of our language requires the delicate interplay among breath control, vocal cords, throat and mouth position, and tongue movement. All of these are needed to coordinate to communicate effectively. Phonemes are categories of sounds our vocal apparatus produces. These categories are influenced by elements of our vocal tract, including: Other physical manipulations of our throat and mouth.