46-115- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 85 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Chapter 8: language learning objectives: four levels of language: Extra-linguistic information (overall experience): body language, tone, etc: auditory systems are developed in 5 months in womb. Babbling (any intentional vocalizations) evolves over the first year of their life, as well as acquiring sounds of their language (first word is their name). First milestone is one-word stage (overgeneralization of one word): the same brain areas that are present in spoken language acquisition are present in sign language of deaf individuals. Cons: harder to learn later in life: theories of language acquisition. Imitation account: believed children"s language learning is through imitation/ language is generative (allows an infinite number of unique sentences to be created by combining worlds in novel ways) Nativist: suggests children are born with some basic knowledge of how language worlds/ chomsky proposed we were born with an lad (language acquisition device which comes preprogrammed with rules)