NURS 1660 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Prenatal Care, Coronary Artery Disease, Functional Illiteracy

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26 Jun 2018
Health Assessment Week Three Study Questions (Chapters 2 and 3)
Chapter Two: The Interview and Therapeutic Dialogue
1. What are four crucial components to the communication process? Elaborate on each.
a. Therapeutic Communication: interaction focuses on the patient and patient’s
b. Caring: Values patient unconditionally and nonjudgmentally. SHow respect,
empathy, compassion and sensitivity.
c. Empathy: ability to perceive, reason and communicate understanding of another
person’s feelings; see situation from their perspective.
d. Self-Concept: nurse is aware of their own biases, values, personality and
communication style; allows nurse to be more genuine and meet patient's needs.
2. What is the difference between verbal and nonverbal communication skills?
a. Verbal communication involves speaking to patient.
b. Nonverbal communication skills involves facial expression, eye contact, body
3. People believe nonverbal communication skills over verbal communication skills.
4. Name and define seven verbal communication skills.
a. Active listening: focus on patient and their perspectives.
b. Restatement: Simple statement in words of patient to encourage elaboration (ie.
you said it feels like there's a knot in your chest)
c. Encouraging Elaboration (Facilitation): to assist patients to describe concerns
more completely (ie. nodding and saying go on)
d. Silence: allows patients time to gather thoughts.
e. Focusing: to redirect patient to topic of concern.
f. Clarification: When patients word choice or ideas are unclear (ie. tell me what
you mean by…)
g. Summarizing: At end of interview. Condenses info into 2-3 most important
findings and helps ensure nurse has identified important information accurately.
5. Give eight factors that contribute to non-therapeutic responses.
a. False reassurance
b. Sympathy
c. Unwanted advice
d. Biased Questions (ie. you don’t smoke right?)
e. Changes of subject (ie. if nurse lost a loved one and dealing with terminal
patient’s family).
f. Distractions
g. Technical or overwhelming language
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h. Interrupting.
6. When a nurse establishes social, personal or economic ties with patients, it is deemed
as “non professional involvement”.
7. Give four things that interviews do:
a. Establish rapport (trusting/supporting relationships)
b. Helps gather subjective data.
c. Gather current health state.
d. Promotion of health promotion opportunities.
8. Name and briefly describe the phases of the interview.
a. Pre-Interaction Phase: before meeting patients; collect data from health record
(ie. past illnesses, surgeries, current medication, list of concerns).
b. Beginning Phase: Introduce his or her self (name and purpose of interview).
c. Working Phase: Nurse conducts data by asking either open ended or close
ended interviews.
d. Closing Phase: Interview is ended by stating the two to three most important
points (ie. positive health aspects, identified problems and plan for actions),
explanation of physical exam to come, and asking if patient has any other
concerns or needs.
9. What is intercultural communication?
a. When the sender belongs to one culture, and the receive to another.
10. Name three principles that a nurse should remember when communicating with patients
with limited English proficiency.
a. Limitations in English are not a reflection on intellectual functioning.
b. Patients may be highly illiterate in another language but functionally illiterate in
c. Patients tend to think their native language and translate, depending their
d. Patients interpret the message that reflects their cultural beliefs, often changing
the content.
e. Written information in the native language support verbal communication.
11. What are some things that a nurse should remember when working with an interpreter?
a. Need for an interpreter should be established during the patient's first contact
with the health care agency.
b. Even when a patient’s language skills are fluent, a trained medical interpreter
may be necessary for discussing sensitive topics, such as end-of-life care or
permission for consent to treatment.
c. Using children in the family, relatives or close friends as interpreters are not
recommended (patients may not want to share personal information).
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12. What are some things that a nurse should remember when dealing with gender and
sexual orientation issues?
a. Communication styles vary between and within each gender group.
b. Some people believe that men commonly prefer more information and facts,
whereas women prefer more social and emotional interactions
c. Be aware of societal biases about sexual preference when working with gay,
transgender, lesbian or bisexual patients.
d. Treat all patients with respect and provide pertinent information, such as safer-
sex practices for all patients.
e. In many cases, it is assumed that a patient is heterosexual until the patient does
or says something to disprove the assumption.
13. What is something that a nurse should take into consideration when dealing with parents
with newborns?
a. Parents are sleep deprived and trying to figure out parenting.
14. What should a nurse take into consideration for older adult patients?
a. Ask the most important questions first.
b. Interview make take longer due to longer health history.
c. Make sure room is free from distractions.
15. Give some things that a nurse should do, ask or consider when dealing with the
following situations:
a. Patients with Hearing Impairment
a.i. Ask, “Just to be sure you understand, please repeat what I said”.
a.ii. Make sure devices are turned on and working.
b. Patients with Altered Level of Hearing
b.i. Rely on family members and previous documentation if they can’t
c. Patients with Cognitive Impairment
c.i. Allow these patients time to process as much as possible to avoid one-
sided conversation.
d. Patients with Mental Health Issues
d.i. May process communication better if it contains clear, short phrases that
require one step in thinking rather than complex directions.
e. Patients with Anxiety
e.i. Behaviours that indicate anxiety are:
e.i.1. Nail-biting, foot-tapping, sweating and pacing.
e.ii. Use active listening, honesty, and a calm, unhurried manner to reduce
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Document Summary

Health assessment week three study questions (chapters 2 and 3) Elaborate on each: therapeutic communication: interaction focuses on the patient and patient"s concerns, caring: values patient unconditionally and nonjudgmentally. Interview make take longer due to longer health history: give some things that a nurse should do, ask or consider when dealing with the following situations, patients with hearing impairment. Ask, just to be sure you understand, please repeat what i said . a. i. a. ii. Make sure devices are turned on and working: patients with altered level of hearing b. i. Rely on family members and previous documentation if they can"t communicate: patients with cognitive impairment c. i. Allow these patients time to process as much as possible to avoid one- sided conversation: patients with mental health issues d. i. May process communication better if it contains clear, short phrases that require one step in thinking rather than complex directions: patients with anxiety e. i.

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