PSYC 100B- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 51 pages long!)

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Document Summary

(intelligence):trait or feature within a person involving the ability to learn from an experience, think abstractly, carry out a plan or offer creative solutions . Measure of intelligence derived from norms provided for standardized intelligence tests. 100 being the average score, 70 (disability), 130 (gifted) Overall score, plus sub-scores: verbal and performance. A property of tests where there is a uniform procedure for giving scores, often with reference norms (eg. iq tests) Given to many people- this means avg. score is going to be what is focused on; what will be compared with other group score averages. Property of a test of by where it is reliable it will measure the same thing time and time again- then look for similarities between the test scores. Problem is that it does not tell anything about causality. Proves only that there is an observable relationship. Factor analysis- a method for analyzing the inter-correlations among various measures or test scores.