PSYC 100A- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 40 pages long!)

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Localization of function: the idea that various brain regions have particular functions. Neural communication: animals and humans differ but our neural systems operate similarly (same principles) Action potential: a brief electrical charge that travels down axon (electrical impulse -> triggered by senses -> chemically transmitted to btwn neurons) Neurons are like batteries (generate electricity from chemical events) Ion exchange (na+ and k+: resting potential: when fluid outside axon has mostly +vely charged sodium ions (na+), interior is vely charged ions, semi-permeable membrane (axon) to maintain resting potential. Refractory period: rest period where the neurons pumps +vely charged sodium ions back outside (so it can fire again) Threshold: the level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse: some signals are excitatory, some inhibitory (is excitatory exceed inhibitory, then signal triggers action potential) Increase in stimulation level above the threshold will not increase intensity: all or nothing response, stimulus can trigger more neurons to fire (stronger stimulus)