CSC 230 Midterm: CSC 230 UVic Csc 230 Midterm Soln Feb 2001

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Document Summary

While the midterm test may have appeared to be long to some of you, the final results are quite good and in line with previous terms. My concern is mainly for the people who received less than 40%. The statistics are as follows: 12% failed, the average is 64% and so is the median. A few people did remarkably well, including receiving a 100% mark (congratulations, indeed! I will be glad to see you apply to become my graduate students in a few years). The distribution of marks is shown in the graph below. To see the actual table of marks, please go to the appropriate web page where all the current marks are shown. There, i also added an extra column next to the midterm mark showing the. % value - it would have taken me too long to write each one on your own papers.