CSC 230 Midterm: CSC 230 UVic Csc 230 Midterm Soln Oct 18 2001

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Solutions: (20 marks) perform each of the following operations using 8 bit 2"s complement numbers and show the condition code flag settings that will result . As shown all operations are to be done as additions. 7 + 5 ____f9______ + ____05______ = __fe___ 14 - 14 ____0e______ + ____f2______ = __00___ 128 - 3 ____80______ + ____fd______ = __7d___ __ it points to next byte of program code to be executed. ______ State three distinct situations in which the value in the pc is modified: __it is updated as bytes of code are fetched. ____________________ Page 1 of 4: (1 marks) explain the purpose of the jmp instruction used in programs run on the lab board. ____it causes the processor to continue execution at the ___________________: (15 marks) write a complete 6811 assembly language program that sums the odd. ____start of the buffalo monitor. _______________________________________ integers from 1 to 149 inclusive leaving the sum in ix upon completion of the program.