WGS271Y1 Study Guide - Postfeminism, Reproductive Rights, Transnationalism

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Brief her-story the waves of feminism: first wave: 19th and early 20th century, white middle-upper class women were a part of this. The spector of intersectionality - springer: argument that feminism is dead, how port seeks to embrace efforts Springers argument: post feminism erases any efforts towards racial inclusion feminism made sinse the. 1980"s: makes racial difference, like feminism itself merely another commodity for consumption, within the context of racializes postfeminism(74, for springer, races becomes a commodity. Post feminism and post civil rights - springer: how whas the combination of post feminism and post civil-rights era has aggravated the solution. Springer: black women; strong black women. Ideology- political and power- ideology is different then political belief is political. (women staying at home and taking them ) Popular culture: something for the masses. where we learn of identities and general races.