JAV120H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Totalitarianism, Francis Picabia, Photogram

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Art, was an invention of late 18th century; before that time artists worked directly for patrons - either the church or the state (monarchs) or wealthy individuals. Objects, paintings, structures and sculpture from the past that we now view in art institutions were created as ritual objects, instructional religious scenes, celebration of a. Pope or a king or demonstrations of the patron"s wealth, culture and often his piety. Art in modern era is freely created by the artist - it is an expression of free will. The artist is no longer taking direction from a pope, a king or a wealthy patron who dictates what he must produce. Provides signal that major context for the production of art has shifted. Democratic movements have occurred throughout europe and north america in the final decades of 18th century, and it allowed ideas to flourish. In modernist"s temrs, only individuals can create art.