VIC342H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Vittoria Colonna, Francesco Berni, Andreas Capellanus

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17 May 2017

Document Summary

Renaissance: beginning of the 14th century and from mid century, there are profound changes taking place in italy. 1300-1650; revival of classical civilizations, rebirth, emergence of the middle class (upper mobility) you can still make something of yourself most important change that occurred in the renaissance. Triumph of individualism (came from the dark ages) Pre-renaissance: after the fall of the roman empire, forms of government are inexistent in. Roman civilization and great monuments in ruins (arenas, temples, triumphal arches) The dark ages are characterized by: hierarchal society, well-ordered/unchangeable, simple life, primitive and isolated, rural/agricultural economy, plague epidemics, food shortages, frequent wars, spiritual/religious life = highest value. Humanism: a european intellectual movement or climate of thought from the 14th to the 16th century which was characterized by attentiveness to classical latin (and later greek), in neo- Neoplatonism: underwent a revival in the renaissance, it combined the ideas of christianity and a new awareness of the writings of plato.