UNI101Y1 Study Guide - Coevolution

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Bio120h lisa zhao 2011 | page 3. C o evo lut io n in plan t -pat h o gen sy st em r eve als gen o ty pe - Gen o t y pe in t erac t ion s. Responding evolution = genetic variation for traits that influence interactions. Plant geneticists develop strains of crops resistant to pathogens. When new strain appears, they select new resistant strains. But new strains of pathogen continue to appear; by migration/mutation. Results in continual evolutionary change in the sys. (mode"s model) Ggeennoottyyppee--ggeennoottyyppee iinntteerraaccttiioonnss: variation in the expression and fitness of genotypes in one species depending on the genotypes of another species w/ which it interacts. Evolution of most species is driven in part by their interactions w/ their consumers, resources, competitors, and mutualists. C o n sumer an d r eso ur c e po pulat io n s can ac h ieve an evo lut i o n ar y.