SPA220Y1 Study Guide - Participle, Infinitive

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26 Jan 2013

Document Summary

The regular conjugation of the future indicative is formed by adding the following endings to the infinitive of the verbs: Ar, -er, -ir ex. hablar meaning yo t . Verbs with irregular stems in the future: hacer (har-), haber (habr-), poder (podr-), poner (pondr-), salir (saldr-), venir (vendr-), tener (tendr-), o r (oir-), re r (reir-), caber (cabr-), querer (querr-), satisfacer (satisfar-), decir (dir-), saber (sabr-), valer (valdr-) Subject + conjugation [infinitive + future endings {present of haber}] E l p ot e n c i a l p r e s e n t e. The regular conjugation of the present conditional is formed by adding the following endings to the infinitive of the verbs: Ar, -er, -ir ex. comer meaning yo t . Subject + conjugation [infinitive + conditional endings {imperfect endings}] The regular conjugation of the future perfect is formed by conjugating haber in the future followed by the past participle [p. p. ] of the verb: