SOC366H1 Midterm: Women and Work Midterm.doc

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11 Feb 2013

Document Summary

Might take work around us for granted. Work activities that produce a good or service. 3 kinds of work: forced work under compulsion, little or no pay (slaves, prisoners, paid work ( market work, unpaid work (non-market work) Gendered activities attached to one or other sex. 3 features of gendered work: assignment on tasks based on sex. Forced work us cleaning, sex industries, sweatshops, prison industries, chain gangs. Non-market work domestic work work done for self and household. Distinction of market vs non-market by product of industrialization. Gender classification, social aspects exaggerate differences of male/female. Sex differentiation classification into categories based on sex. Gender differentiation social process, creates/exaggerates biological differences: distinguish activity, interest, place as male or female, make sure there are gender differences, clothing distinguishes sex. Transforming male and female similar in biological terms into 2 groups that differ social construction of gender. Sex = how others act towards them sex discrimination and sex segregation.