SOC200H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tecmar, Paradigm Shift, Normal Science

71 views9 pages
18 Dec 2015

Document Summary

A sociological question is: about the social world, empirically-testable (non-normative), theoretically-relevant. Methodology: the science of finding out; procedures od scientific investigation. Agreement reality: what we know as part and parcel of the culture we share with those around us. Experimental reality: what we know from personal experience and discovery. Selective observation: one danger led by overgeneralization; we tend to focus on future events and situations that fit the pattern and ignore those that don"t. Overgeneralization: we often assume that a few similar events are evidence of a general pattern. Gambler"s fallacy: often we assume that a consistent run of either good or bad luck foreshadows the opposite. Data: empirical evidence or info gathered carefully according to specific rules or procedures conclusions from data connections b/w concepts. Paradigm: a model of framework for observation and o understanding, which shapes both what we see and how we understand it.