SOC212H1- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 42 pages long!)

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5 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Csi/criminal minds evidence that there is popular intrigue in murder. Penal sanctions evidence as people are disgusted by murder. Scary yet interesting to study and watch. Psychopath: person who has an inability to feel empathy (inability to feel others" emotions) towards others. Sociopath: person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour and a lack of conscience. When the term sociopath is used, it is being used to discuss the social behaviours of psychopaths, the behavioural side, not the psychological side. Antisocial personality disorder: mental condition in which a person has long-term pattern of exploiting, or violating the rights of others. They do not feel empathy, they can"t feel remorse for what they do. Because we do experience these things, it makes normal" people unable to do sociopathic things. Statistics don"t add up: research suggests that 1 in 100 people can be diagnosed by psychopathy. Serial killing very rare: 25-50 in whole population (active in us)