PSY336H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hedonic Treadmill, Ego Depletion, Motivation

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27 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Our subjective well-being is not an absolute measure of well-being since it can be based on our flawed concepts of how life is. Adapting to good things makes you want more good things. Hedonic has to do with affective, pleasure type stuff. Eudaimonic has to do with feelings of fulfillment. Aristotle: the golden me staying away from extremes. Having vs. being needs: one type of needs are only subjectively felt and whose satisfaction leads to momentary pleasure. The other type are rooted in human nature and is conducive to human growth. More extrinsic goals people have, the lower on self-actualization scores, and higher on depression/anxiety, worse health. When we can"t find intrinsic motivation, focus on extrinsic. Some exceptions for returning to baseline include abuse, severe hardship, mental illness, and bereavement. These change how a person functions, therefore how they interpret new information. Positive things include finding a life mission, practicing personal growth paths like meditation.