PSY328H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Psychopathy Checklist, Parole Board Of Canada, Psychopathy

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16 May 2018
Juvenile Offenders
How old do you have to be in Canada to be charged with an offence?
What is the age of majority?
What is the statistical representation of youth in crime?
Who is accused more proportionally, youth or adults? What is the caveat to this?
What can we say about the volume and severity of youth crime?
At what age does crime peak?
How was youth crime treated prior to the 20th century?
What was the juvenile delinquents’ act of 1908? What did it state? What were some criticisms of
What was the young offenders act of 1984? What happens to someone under 12 who commits a
crime? What dispositions for youth were included? What two types of custody? What were
What was the youth criminal justice act of 2003? What were the 3 main objectives? What was its
basic objective?
What is an extrajudicial measure? What is an extrajudicial sanction?
What were 4 amendments to the YCJA under Harper in 2012? What were criticisms of these
What is probation?
What has happened since 2003?
What did R. v D.B. set as precedent regarding adult sentences for youth? Why is the adult sentence
for youth controversial?
What are the two types of youth offenders?
What are five (non-cognitive) reasons youths commit crime?
What is used in the US to argue that death penalty shouldn’t be applied to youths?
What are cognitive theories of youth crime? (include proactive and reactive aggression in your
Is youth assent/consent required for court assessment of youth?
Give 5 issues on which youth may be assessed?
What is risk assessment?
What are dynamic factors?
What are static factors?
What happens if dynamic factors are found?
Youth at highest risk for reoffending have what?
Which sources is data gathered from for these assessments? Name 4.
What does it mean to say there is a high false positive rate in risk assessment?
What are 3 challenges specific to assessing youth risk?
Describe the early assessment risk list for boys/girls.
Describe the structured assessment of violence risk in youth.
Describe the SAVRY risk assessment instrument. Make sure to include elements from all four
What are dispositional assessments? What are questions to ask when evaluation youth offenders?
Fitness to Stand Trial, Ch9
What three criteria were established in R. v. Prichard for the FST definition?
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