PSY201H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Formula D, Squared Deviations From The Mean, Statistical Power

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19 Nov 2016

Document Summary

You must first calculate standard error for your sample and then the z-score for the sample. To simplify a hypothesis-testing, researchers assume that the result of treatment is simply an addition or subtraction of individual scores. Adding or subtracting a constant changes the mean but does not change. The shape of the population, nor the standard deviation. Goal of inferential statistics is to make general statements about the population by using sample data. The null hypothesis is used to predict the kind of sample mean that ought to be obtained i. e. which sample means are consistent with h0. Alpha le(cid:448)el defi(cid:374)es (cid:449)hat is (cid:373)ea(cid:374)t (cid:271)y (cid:858)lo(cid:449) pro(cid:271)a(cid:271)ility(cid:859) a(cid:374)d (cid:449)hat is (cid:373)ea(cid:374)t (cid:271)y (cid:858)high pro(cid:271)a(cid:271)ility(cid:859: extremely unlikely values which make up a critical region not. Both jury and researcher are trying to refute the null hypothesis. Test statistic means that the sample data converted into a specific statistic is used to test the hypotheses.